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Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

MobileCoach Alkohol (SMS-Programm)

Summary The mobile phone-based program to reduce binge drinking among young people is being optimized and implemented in several cantons. 
Project manager(s) Severin Haug
Duration 01.2017 - 11.2018
Client / funding partner(s) Federal Office of Public Heatlh (FOPH) - in the kontext of the national alcohol program
Cooperating partner(s) Fachstelle Suchtprävention des Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamts Zürich, Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg, Akzent Luzern, gesundheit schwyz, Center for Digital Health Interventions

Project description

MobileCoach Alcohol is a mobile-phone based programme for reducing intoxication and promoting a cautious consumption of alcohol among teenagers and young adults. It includes online feedback on individual alcohol consumption and individualized SMS messages that are sent to participants over a period of 3 months in order to reduce problematic consumption, including at times and in situations where alcohol is commonly consumed. The program has been reviewed in 2014-2016 within a controlled study in terms of acceptance and effectiveness. It was well implemented in the school setting, 3 out of 4 young people took part, and almost all participants remained registered for the program until the end. This proved to be effective in reducing and preventing intoxication among both heavy and light drinkers within the project described above, the program will be further optimized both technically and in terms of content. The program will be implemented by specialist addiction prevention agencies in German-Speaking Switzerland in the 2017/18 school year, involving around 1’200 pupils in at least 100 classes at vocational and secondary schools. At the end of the three-month programme, indicators of use, acceptance and effectiveness of the programme will be reviewed by means of a follow-up survey. 


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