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Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

HEKS housing projects: Evaluation of the housing projects in both Basel and Aargau

Summary Evaluation of HEKS housing projects in Basel and Aargau 
Project manager(s) Severin Haug, Raquel Paz
Duration 06.2013-12.2016
Client / Funding partner(s) Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS)
Cooperating partner(s) Fachstelle Suchtprävention des Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamts Zürich, Stiftung Berner Gesundheit (BeGes)

Project description

Evaluation of the HEKS housing projects in Basel and Aargau with regard to aims of ensuring that housing assistance contributes to a stable housing situation helps to cope with everyday living and promotes social integration. Possible alternatives and concept for assisted living are being investigated. 


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