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Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

Evaluation of the pilot project "Kids mail in context of migration"

Summary Evaluation of the project "Kinderpost mit Migrationskontext"
Project manager(s) Corina Salis Gross
Duration 01.2014-02.2015
Client / Funding partner(s) Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung (BfU) / Johnson & Johnson Corporate Citizenship Trust
Cooperating partner(s)  

Project description

Evaluation of the pilot project "Kinderpost im Migrationskontext" among the migrant population from Turkey. The pilot project, carried out by the Berne Council for Accident Prevention (Bfu) and Public Health Services (PHS) in Berne, aims to make it easier for parents with a migration background to access information of accident prevention, to increase their knowledge of age-specific dangers for their children and of preventive measures, and to create broad acceptance for accident prevention. At events in associations, institutions or groups of the target group, multipliers will speak in Turkish about selected key messages of "Kinderpost" on age-specific accident prevention. The objectives of the evaluation are, on the one hand, to check the assessment of the increase in knowledge, the intention to act appropriately and the expectation of self-efficacy, as well as the accessibility and acceptance of the offer. 


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